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The American Keeshond Breed Standard (1936)

The Present American Standard (1936)

From: "Pure Bred Dogs" the official book of Standards of the American Kennel Club 

The Keeshonden is claimed to be one of the oldest breeds of dogs in Holland, its origin, we are told, dating back to 1552. In 1879, we are informed that eight Keeshonden were entered in the German Show at Hanover thereby establishing its claim to be an old and well established breed. 


APPEARANCE.- The Keeshonden resembles the Pomeranian, but is much larger and different in color.

CHARACTERISTICS.- Of the Keeshonden are faithfulness, Intelligence, watchfulness, and contentment. He is hardy and able to withstand all kinds of weather. He is faithful to his master but distrustful of strangers, and is, therefore, valuable as a watchdog. He is handsome and attractive in appearance. He has a short and sturdy body, with short pointed ears, and bushy tail. Full, straight, heavy coat which should not be curly or silky, and he should have a lion like, bushy mane. The head, ears, and lower parts of legs should have short, close hair. He attains his prime at about 3 years of age, and usually remains in good condition until 10 or 12 years. 


HEAD.- Should be in proportion to the body, foxlike in appearance. Seen from the top, the head is broadest at the base of skull and tapers, gradually to the nose, being triangular in shape, Viewed from the side, the head shows only a slight stop, The muzzle should not be too long. 


NOSE.- Should be black and not too large, lips tight and not pendant and with no wrinkles at corners of mouth. Ears small, close together, triangular in shape, mounted high on head and standing erect. 


EYES.- Medium size and slightly oval or set at slight slant or angle and dark brown in color. 


NECK.- Should be of medium length, body short as possible with straight back, slightly higher in front than in rear, and with no tendency to sway back. The ribs should be well sprung. Chest deep. 


TAIL.- Should be of medium length, set on high and carried in a curl to right or left over back. 


LEGS.- Should be of medium length, and in harmony with size of body* The front legs should be strong and straight. Hindlegs should have fairly well bent stifles. The feet should be as small as possible, round similar to cat paws and free from black thumb marks on top of same. The head, ears and feet, outside of front legs and inside of hindlegs, should be covered with short, course hair; body should have full and long coat of hair.


COLOR.- Should be silver grey with black tipped hair; head, legs, stomach and tail of lighter shade. 


Muzzle.- Should be a dark mask, but not black, and with lighter colored hair around eyes. 


HEIGHT.- of the Keeshonden is from 15 to 18 inches, measured at the top of the withers. The males, as a rule, are slightly larger than the females. Preference should be given to the larger size dogs if the general type is not sacrificed and the general symmetry is preserved, From withers to rump and from feet to top line should form a square, A real Keeshonden should have not only the proper color, but also the correct conformation and size. 


Following is the scale of points for the Keeshonden:



  1. Body and symmetry............................. 25

  2. Texture, quality and quantity of coat .. 20

  3. Head and ears..................................... 15 

  4. Color.................................................... 15

  5. Tail....................................................... 15

  6. Legs...................................................... 5 

  7. Feet ...................................................... 5

.............. Total 100 


The American Keeshond Breed Standard (1949)


Approved By The Keeshond Club Of America And The American Kennel Club in 1949

1. General Appearance and Conformation.

The Keeshond is a handsome dog, of well-balanced, short coupled body, attracting attention not only by his alert car­ riage and intelligent expression; but also by his luxurious coat, his richly plumed tail, well curled over his back, and by his fox-like face and head with small pointed ears. His coat is very thick round the neck, fore part of the shoulders and

chest, forming a lion-like mane. His rump and hindlegs, down to the hocks, are also thickly coated forming the char­ acteristic “trousers”. His head, ears and lower legs are covered with thick short hair.

The ideal height of fully matured dogs (over two years old), measured from top of withers to the ground, is: for males, 18 inches; bitches, 17 inches. However, size con­ sideration should not outweigh that of type. When dogs are judged equal in type, the dog nearest the ideal height is to be preferred. Length of back from withers to rump

should equal height as measured above.


2. Head.

EXPRESSION:- Expression is largely dependent on the distinctive characteristic called “spectacles”,- a delicately pencilled line slanting slightly upward from the outer comer of each eye to the lower corner of the ear, coupled with distinct markings and shadings forming short but expres­sive eyebrows. Markings (or shadings) on face and head must present a pleasing appearance, imparting to the dog an alert and intelligent expression.

FAULT:- Absence of “spectacles”.

SKULL:- The head should be well proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped when viewed from above. Not only in muzzle, but the whole head should give this impression when the ears are drawn back by covering the nape of the neck and the ears with one hand- Head in profile should exhibit a definite stop.

FAULT:- Apple head, or absence of stop.

MUZZLE:- The muzzle should be dark in color and of medium length, neither coarse nor snipy, and well propor­ tioned to the skull.

MOUTH:- The mouth should be neither overshot nor undershot. Lips should be black and closely meeting, not thick, coarse or sagging; and with no wrinkle at the comer of the mouth.

FAULT:- Overshot or undershot.

TEETH:- The teeth should be white, sound and strong (but discoloration from distemper not to penalize severely);

upper teeth should just overlap the lower teeth.

EYES:- Eyes should be dark brown in color, of medium size, rather oblique in shape and not set too wide apart.

FAULT:- Protruding round eyes or eyes light of color.

EARS:- Ears should be small, triangular in shape, mounted high on head and carried erect; dark in color and covered with thick, velvety, short hair. Size should be pro­ portionate to the head,- length approximating the distance from outer corner of the eye to the nearest edge of the ear.

FAULT:- Ears not carried erect when at attention.


3. Body.

NECK AND SHOULDERS:- The neck should be mod­ erately long, well shaped and well set on shoulders; covered with a profuse mane, sweeping from under the jaw and covering the whole of the front part of the shoulders and chest, as well as the top part of the shoulders-

CHEST, BACK AND LOIN:- The body should be com­ pact with a short straight back sloping slightly downward toward the hindquarters; well ribbed, barrel well rounded, belly moderately tucked up, deep and strong of chest.

LEGS:- Forelegs should be straight seen from any angle, and well feathered. Hindlegs should be profusely feathered down to the hocks,- not below, with hocks only slightly bent. Legs must be of good bone and cream in color..

FAULT:- Black markings below the knee, penciling excepted.

FEET:- The feet should be compact, well rounded, cat­ like, and cream in color. Toes are nicely arched, with black nails.

FAULT:- White foot or feet.

TAIL:- The tail should be set on high, moderately long, and well feathered, tightly curled over back. It should lie flat and close to the body with a very light gray plume on top where curled, but the tip of the tail should be black. The tail should form a part of the “silhouette” of the dog’s body, rather than give the appearance of an appendage.

FAULT:- Tail not lying close to the back. 



Dogs should show boldly and keep tails curled over the back. They should move cleanly and brisk­ ly ; and the movement should be straight and sharp (not lope like a German Shepherd).

FAULT:- Tail not carried over back when moving.


4. Coat.

The body should be abundantly covered with long, straight, harsh hair; standing well out from a thick, downy undercoat. The hail’ on the legs should be smooth and short, except for a feathering on the front legs and “trousers”, as previously described, on the hindlegs. The hair on the tail should be profuse, forming a rich plume. Head, includ­ ing muzzle, skull and ears, should be covered with smooth, soft, short hair,- velvety in texture on the ears. Coat must not part down the back.

FAULT:- Silky, wavy or curly coats. Part in coat down the back.


5. Color and Markings.

A mixture of gray and black. The undercoat should be very pale gray or cream (not tawny). The hair of the outer coat is black tipped, the length of the black tips pro­ ducing the characteristic shading of color. The color may vary from light to dark, but any pronounced deviation from the gray color is not permissible. The plume of the tail should be very light gray when curled on back, and the tip of the tail should be black. Legs and feet should be cream. Ears should be very dark,- almost black.

Shoulder line markings (light gray) should be well defined. The color of the ruff and “trousers” is generally lighter than that of the body. “Spectacles” and shadings, as previously described, are characteristic of the breed and must be present to some degree. There should be no pro­ nounced white markings.

VERY SERIOUS FAULT:- Entirely black or white or any other solid color; any pronounced deviation from the gray color.




  2. HEAD:-

    Shape 6
    Eyes 5
    Ears 5
    Teeth 4

  3. BODY:-

    Chest, back and loin 10
    Tail 10
    Neck and shoulders 8
    Legs 4

    Feet 3

  4. COAT:- 50

  5. COLOR and MARKINGS:- 10

    TOTAL 100


R.A.S Kennel Control Sydney Australia Breed Standard (1978)

Bookplate print from 1978 by Artist M Davidson


GENERAL APPEARANCE — A short, compact body; alert carriage, foxlike head; small pointed ears; a well-feathered, curling tail, carried over the back; hair very thick on the neck, forming a large ruff; head, ears and legs covered with short thick hair. Dogs should move cleanly and briskly (not lope like an Alsatian) but movement should be straight and sharp. Dogs should show boldly.


Head and Skull — Head well proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped when seen from above; from the side showing definite stop. Muzzle should be of medium length, neither coarse nor snipy.


Eyes — Dark with well-defined spectacles.

Ears — Small and well set on head, not wide and yet not meeting.

Mouth — Should be neither over nor undershot, upper teeth should just overlap under teeth and should be white, sound and strong (but discoloration from distemper not to penalize severely.)


Forequarters — Forelegs feathered, straight, with good bone and cream in colour.


Hindquarters — Hind legs should be straight, showing very little hock and not feathered below the hock. Cream in colour.



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Feet — Round and cat-like with black nails.


Tail — Tightly curled, a double curl at the end is desirable. Plume to be white on the top where curled, with black tip.


Coat — Dense, and harsh (off-standing), dense ruff and well feathered, profuse trousers; a soft, thick, light-coloured undercoat. Coat should not be silky, wavy or woolly, nor should it form a parting on the back.


Colour — Should be wolf, ash-grey; not all black or all white, and markings should be definite.


Weight and Size — The ideal height is 46 cm (18 ins.) for Dogs and 43 cm (17 ins.) for Bitches, but type is of more importance.


Faults — Light eyes, prominent eyes. Curly or wavy tendency in coat. Silky coat. Absence of spectacles. Nervous demeanour. Drop ears. Whole white foot or feet. Black marks below the knee, pencilling excepted. White chest. Apple head or absence of stop.

Draft 7 of the KCA Keeshond Illustrated Standard - 1993

Notes and Sketches of the 1993 draft of the Keeshond Club of America  Illustrated Standard

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The Keeshond Breed Standard (Keeshond Club of America - 1990)
and Illustrated Standard (1999)

General Appearance: The Keeshond (pronounced kayz-hawnd) is a natural, handsome dog of well-balanced, short-coupled body, attracting attention not only by his coloration, alert carriage, and intelligent expression, but also by his stand-off coat, his richly plumed tail well curled over his back, his foxlike expression, and his small pointed ears. His coat is very thick around the neck, fore part of the shoulders and chest, forming a lion-like ruff-more profuse in the male. His rump and hind legs, down to the hocks, are also thickly coated, forming the characteristic "trousers." His head, ears, and lower legs are covered with thick, short hair.


Size, Proportion, Substance: The Keeshond is a medium-sized, square-appearing, sturdy dog, neither coarse nor lightly made. The ideal height of fully matured dogs when measured from top of withers to the ground is 18 inches for males and 17 inches for bitches - a 1 inch variance either way is acceptable. While correct size is very important, it should not outweigh that of type.



Expression - Expression is largely dependent on the distinctive characteristic called "spectacles" - a combination of markings and shadings in the orbital area which must include a delicate, dark line slanting from the outer corner of each eye toward the lower corner of each ear coupled with expressive eyebrows. Markings (or shadings) on face and head must present a pleasing appearance, imparting to the dog an alert and intelligent expression.

Very Serious Fault - Absence of dark lines which form the "spectacles."​


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Eyes - Eyes should be dark brown in color, of medium size, almond shaped, set obliquely and neither too wide apart nor too close together. Eye rims are black.

Faults - Round and/or protruding eyes or eyes light of color.


Ears - Ears should be small, triangular in shape, mounted high on head and carried erect. Size should be proportionate to the head-length approximating the distance from the outer corner of the eye to the nearest edge of the ear.

Fault - Ears not carried erect when at attention.


Skull - The head should be well-proportioned to the body and wedge-shaped when viewed from above - not only the muzzle, but the whole head should give this impression when the ears are drawn back by covering the nape of the neck and the ears with one hand. Head in profile should exhibit a definite stop.

Faults - Apple head or absence of stop.


Muzzle - Of medium length, neither coarse nor snipey, and well-proportioned to the skull. Mouth - The mouth should be neither overshot nor undershot. Lips should be black and closely meeting-not thick, coarse or sagging, and with no wrinkle at the corner of the mouth. Faults - Overshot, undershot or wry mouth.


Teeth - The teeth should be white, sound and strong meeting in a scissors bite.

Fault - Misaligned teeth.


Neck, Topline, Body: The neck should be moderately long, well-shaped and well set on shoulders. The body should be compact with a short, straight back sloping slightly downward toward the hindquarters: well ribbed, barrel well rounded, short in loin, belly moderately tucked up, deep and strong of chest.


Tail - The tail should be moderately long and well feathered, set on high and tightly curled over the back. It should lie flat and close to the body. The tail must form a part of the "silhouette" of the dog's body, rather than give the appearance of an appendage.

Fault - Tail not lying close to the back.


Forequarters - Forelegs should be straight seen from any angle. Pasterns are strong with a slight slope. Legs must be of good bone in proportion to the overall dog. Shoulder to upper arm angulation is between slight to moderate.


Hindquarters - Angulation in rear should be between slight to moderate to complement the forequarters, creating balance and typical gait. Hindquarters are well muscled with hocks perpendicular to the ground.


Feet - The feet should be compact, well rounded, cat-like. Toes are nicely arched, with black nails.


Coat: The body should be abundantly covered with long, straight, harsh hair standing well out from a thick, downy undercoat. Head, including muzzle, skull and ears, should be covered with smooth, soft, short hair-velvety in texture on the ears. The neck is covered with a mane-more profuse in the male-sweeping from under the jaw and covering the whole of the front part of the shoulders and chest, as well as the top part of the shoulders. The hair on the legs should be smooth and short, except for feathering on the front legs and "trousers" on the hind legs. Hind legs should be profusely feathered down to the hocks-not below. The hair on the tail should form a rich plume. Coat must not part down the back. The Keeshond is to be shown in a natural state with trimming permissible only on feet, pasterns, hocks and - if desired - whiskers. Trimming other than as described to be severely penalized.

Faults - Silky, wavy, or curly coats. Part in coat down the back.


Color and Markings: A dramatically marked dog, the Keeshond is a mixture of gray, black and cream. This coloration may vary from light to dark. The hair of the outer coat is black tipped, the length of the black tips producing the characteristic shading of color. Puppies are often less intensely marked. The undercoat is very pale gray or cream, never tawny.


Head - The muzzle should be dark in color. "Spectacles" and shadings, as previously described, are characteristic of the breed and must be present to some degree. Ears should be very dark/almost black.


Ruff, Shoulders and "Trousers" - The color of the ruff and "trousers" is lighter than that of the body. The shoulder line markings of light gray must be well defined.


Tail - The plume of the tail is very light in color when curled on the back, and the tip of the tail should be black.


Legs and Feet - Legs and feet are cream.

Faults - Pronounced white markings. Black markings more than halfway down the foreleg, penciling excepted. White foot or feet.

Very Serious Faults - Entirely black or white or any solid color; any pronounced deviation from the color as described.


Gait: The distinctive gait of the Keeshond is unique to the breed. Dogs should move boldly and keep tails curled over the back. They should move cleanly and briskly; the movement should be straight and sharp with reach and drive between slight to moderate.


Temperament: Temperament is of primary importance. The Keeshond is neither timid nor aggressive but, instead, is outgoing and friendly with both people and other dogs. The Keeshond is a lively, intelligent, alert and affectionate companion.


Approved November 14, 1989

Effective January 1, 1990 

The Keeshond - An Illustrated Standard (UK - 2000)



General Appearance: 

Short, compact body, confident carriage. Foxlikc head with small, pointed ears, alert expression, large ruff, well feathered tail curled over back.

Characteristics: Sturdy, intelligent and adaptable, ideal companion, good guard, shows boldly.


Temperament: Bold, alert, friendly with marked guarding tendency.

Head & skull: Well proportioned, wedge shaped when seen from above; from side showing defi­nite stop. Dark muzzle equal to length of flat skull. Neither coarse nor snipey. Nose black.


Eyes: Dark, medium size, almond shaped, obliquely set. Weil defined ‘spectacles’ shown as a delicately pencilled black line slanting from outer comer of eye to lower comer of ear, coupled with distinct marking and shading forming expressive short eye­ brows.


Ears: Dark, small, ivy-leafed in shape. Erect, velvety texture. Well set on head, neither too wide nor meeting


Mouth: Jaws strong, with a perfect regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Lips black.


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Neck: Moderately long and arched, covered with thick, profuse coat forming large ruff. Forequarters: Shoulders well sloped. Straight front of medium width with good bone.


Body: Short, compact, length from withers to tail equal to height at withers. Well sprung in rib. Good depth of brisket.


Hindquarters: Strong muscled, hindlegs straight when viewed from behind. Hock showing slight angulation when viewed from side, profuse light coloured trousers down to hocks.


Feet: Well padded, round, cat-like, tight, cream in colour; black nails.


Tail: Moderately long, high set, tightly curled over back, double curl highly desirable.Light plume on top where curled, with black tip, carried closely at all times.


Gait/Movement: Clean, brisk, straight and sharp.


Coat: Harsh off standing, straight. Dense ruff, well feathered on forelegs and profuse trousers, not feathered below hock. Soft, thick light-coloured (not tawny) undercoat. Never silky, wavy or woolly, nor forming a parting on back.


Colour: A mixture of grey and black. Undercoat very pale grey or cream (not tawny). All shades of grey acceptable, body hairs black tipped. Shoulder markings well defined and all markings definite. Forelegs and hocks cream with no black below wrist or hock. Pencilling accepted


Size: Ideal height Dogs 45.7 cm (18 inches); Bitches 43.2 cm (17 inches)


Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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